Percent Difference Calculator

Quickly calculate the percent difference between two values with our user-friendly calculator.

(Note: There is a difference between percent change and percent difference as explained below!)

Percentage Difference Calculator

Common Uses of this Percentage Difference Calculator


  • Scientific Research and Experiments: Can be used to compare the difference in results of two different experiments or two sets of measurements, providing a standard way to quantify discrepancies or variations.
  • Quality Control and Manufacturing: In manufacturing processes, the calculator can help in assessing the consistency and quality of products by comparing different batches or units.
  • Market Analysis: Can be useful for comparing market shares, prices, or other financial figures of two different companies or products.
  • Educational Purposes: Teachers and students can use it to understand and calculate percentage differences, a fundamental concept in mathematics, statistics, and science classes.
  • Healthcare and Medicine: It can be employed to compare medical readings or test results.
  • Data Analysis and Statistics: Analysts can use it to compare data sets, identify trends, or understand variances in data points.
  • Economics and Finance: Economists and financial analysts may use it to compare economic indicators or financial ratios.
  • Sports and Performance Analysis: Used to compare performance statistics, such as times, scores, or distances, of athletes or teams.
  • Environmental Studies: Can help in comparing environmental data, such as pollution levels or temperature changes, from different sources or locations.
  • Retail and Consumer Products: Retailers and consumers can use it to compare prices, features, or specifications of similar products.



How to Calculate Percent Difference


Percentage Change = ( (|Value 1 − Value 2|)⁄((Value 1 + Value 2)/2)) ×100


  1. Calculate the Absolute Difference: First, find the absolute difference between the two values. This is done by subtracting the smaller value from the larger one, ensuring a positive result. The formula for the absolute difference is: Absolute Difference= ∣Value1−Value2∣
  2. Calculate the Average of the Two Values: Next, find the average (mean) of the two values. The average is calculated by adding the two values together and then dividing by 2. The formula for the average is:  Average = (Value1+Value2) / 2
  3. Divide the Absolute Difference by the Average: Now, divide the absolute difference by the average. This step provides a normalized measure of the difference relative to the size of the values being compared.
  4. Convert to a Percentage: Finally, multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage. This step expresses the difference as a percentage of the average value.





What is the Difference between Percentage Change and Percentage Difference?



Percentage change and percentage difference are two related but distinct concepts used in different contexts. Here’s an explanation of each:


  1. Percentage Change: Percentage change is used to describe how much a value has increased or decreased relative to its original amount. It’s commonly used to measure growth or decline over time.


Percentage change is directional; it indicates whether the value has increased or decreased. For example, a percentage change from 50 to 60 is a 20% increase, while a change from 60 to 50 is a 16.67% decrease.


  1. Percentage Difference: Percentage difference is used to compare two values, showing how much they differ as a proportion of their average. It’s often used when there is no clear ‘starting’ or ‘baseline’ value.


Unlike percentage change, percentage difference is always non-negative and does not indicate direction (increase or decrease). It’s useful for comparing the similarity or disparity between two numbers. For example, the percentage difference between 50 and 60 is approximately 18.33%.


In summary, while both concepts involve calculating a percentage related to some change or difference, percentage change focuses on the change from an initial value over time or between states, and is often used in time-series analysis. In contrast, percentage difference compares two distinct values without a time component, focusing on their difference relative to their average value.