Percent Change Calculator

Our percent change calculator will quickly let you know the percentage growth or percentage loss between two values. (You may also find our percent increase calculator or percent decrease calculator helpful!)

Common Uses of this Percentage Change Calculator


  • Finance and Investment: It can help investors and financial analysts calculate the rate of return on investments, stock price changes, or the performance of assets over time.
  • Retail and Sales: Businesses can use it to determine the percentage change in sales or revenue between two periods, aiding in performance analysis and strategy development.
  • Economics and Market Research: Economists and market researchers can evaluate changes in economic indicators like inflation rates, GDP growth, or market demand.
  • Real Estate: It can be useful in real estate to calculate the % change in property values, rent prices, or market trends.
  • Educational Purposes: Teachers and students use it in mathematics and economics classes to understand and calculate percentage changes, a fundamental concept in many areas of study.
  • Healthcare and Epidemiology: In healthcare, it can be used to assess changes in patient health metrics, while in epidemiology, it can help in understanding the rate of spread of diseases.
  • Salary and Wage Analysis: Employees and employers can calculate percentage increases or decreases in salaries or wages over time.
  • Data Analysis: Analysts can use it to interpret data trends, understand growth patterns, and make predictions based on historical data.
  • Manufacturing and Production: It can assist in evaluating changes in production levels, efficiency, or resource usage.
  • Environmental Studies: It can be used to analyze changes in pollution levels, temperature variations, or other environmental metrics.



How to Calculate Percent Change


Percentage Change = ( (Ending Value−Starting Value)Starting Value ) ×100


This formula calculates the percentage difference between the starting value and the ending value relative to the starting value. Here’s a breakdown of the formula:

  1. Subtract the Starting Value from the Ending Value: This gives you the change in value.
  2. Divide the Change in Value by the Starting Value: This calculates the change as a fraction of the starting value.
  3. Multiply by 100: Converting the fraction to a percentage.

If the result is positive, it indicates a percentage increase; if negative, it indicates a percentage decrease. This formula is a standard way to measure the relative change between two numbers and is widely used in various fields, including finance, economics, and general data analysis.