Roman Numeral Converter

Note: The converter is designed to handle Arabic numbers within a specific range, specifically 1 to 3999. This range is due to the traditional Roman numeral system not having standard symbols for numbers larger than 1000 (M) and the symbol rules of use. Thus numbers greater than 3,999 do not have a standard or universally accepted Roman numeral representation.

Arabic and Roman Numerals Converter

Common Uses of our Roman Numeral Converter


  • Educational Purposes: It’s a great resource for students learning about Roman numerals, providing a hands-on way to understand and practice conversions. Teachers can use it as a teaching aid in mathematics and history classes.
  • Historical Research: Historians and archaeologists often encounter Roman numerals in ancient texts, inscriptions, or artifacts. The converter can assist in translating these numerals into Arabic numbers for easier understanding and analysis.
  • Clock and Watch Reading: Many clocks and watches use Roman numerals. The converter can help people unfamiliar with Roman numerals to read the time more easily.
  • Event Planning: Roman numerals are often used in formal event invitations, particularly for weddings, anniversaries, or significant events like the Superbowl. The converter can help in accurately designing and understanding these numerals.
  • Literature and Media: Roman numerals are commonly used in book chapters, movie sequels, and TV show seasons. The tool can assist readers and viewers in understanding these references.
  • Crossword Puzzles and Games: It’s useful for solving puzzles and games that involve Roman numerals, enhancing the gameplay experience for enthusiasts.
  • Cultural and Artistic Projects: Artists, designers, and creators might use Roman numerals in their work for stylistic or thematic reasons. The converter can aid in these creative processes.
  • Legal and Formal Documents: Roman numerals are sometimes used in legal documents or formal contexts (e.g., numbering clauses). The tool can assist in interpreting these documents.
  • Academic Research: In academic papers, Roman numerals are often used to denote major sections or volumes. Researchers can use the converter for clarity and accuracy in citations.
  • Genealogy and Family History: Roman numerals are used in genealogy to denote generations or birth orders. The converter can be helpful in family history research.